Those couple warm(ish) days last week absolutely disgusted me. I wanted to love them as much as I love a doppio cappuccino, but I couldn't move beyond what a giant tease they were. The blistery cold days weren't over, and albeit I enjoyed my lengthy bike ride down the Schuykil Banks, I couldn't shake that looming winter depression that was lingering in the back of my head.
Yesterday there was another false reality that rocked my winter blues. My morning routine of checking the weather was fussed with somehow when the temperature at 7:30 AM incorrectly read 52°. Fifty two! I threw open my door in a light jacket, sans scarf, sans gloves, and winter slapped me in the face so hard I had to come back inside and rebundle myself. I should have known better...
I really don't mean to complain so much, honest. I actually rather enjoy some of the perks of winter. It's a great reason to stay inside. Don't get me wrong, I love going outside just as much as the squirrels like the nuts, but having a good reason not to is kinda nice sometimes. Especially when it makes for an even better reason to invite some good company over to fill your kitchen.
I like filling my kitchen. My roommate and I try to do it as often as we can, regardless of the season. In the winter though, it warms the house with more than just heat. Those warm gushy feelings, I could go on.
Anyway, we did just that not too long ago (OK, it was November, this post is a bit late, but better that than never, right?) with some quality Capo-folk for a friendly chili cook off. Lucky for me, I've got an awesome photographer friend who documented the chili presentations. His name is Albert, he's turning 30 soon and will probably make me take these photos down for saying that. We made a Flickr Gallery in case your flash is dysfunctional.
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