So, what are your fond memories of childhood pop? Did you love the Heat Miser or did your heart squeeze for that dentist elf Perhaps it was Rudolph’s girlfriend.... What was her name?
Soon I will travel from Philly - running from a little Snow - to Christine’s home in New Orleans for a little Heat to create some holiday memories. My kids’ memories are filled with Po-boys from Domalise’s, beignets, linguine alle vongole, their cousins, and no snow. TV specials do not play into their traditions. How sad. What are your holiday traditions? Do you travel or stay put or watch movies and eat Chinese food? I have done them all...
Whatever your flavor, spot, or ritual, we have
flavors to pair! Order by midnight on SUNDAY,
DECEMBER 20th and we will get it to you!
Perfect with Prosecco.
New Orleans’ Nog
Egg Nog Gelato spiked with Southern Comfort.
Apple Cider with Clove
Top it on Latkas. Trust.
Cioccolato Scuro
Scuro is Rudolph’s fave.
Cranberry Heirloom Apple
Tart and sweet, just like the holiday.
Spicy! The perfect compliment to any dessert.
Click here to order 6 perfectly packed pints to be sent ANYWHERE in the continental US.
Happy Holidays!
Now, go watch Snoopy Come Home on youtube.
By La Regina
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