Thursday, November 5, 2009

Maybe Next Year...

So I'd write a big 'ol stink about how upset I am that the Phillies lost, but I'd be making most of it up. It's not a like versus dislike situation though, it's more there's something missing in me: the missing part is the part that gets it.

Food, on the other hand, is something I do get - more and more everyday, and it's always rewarding. I mean, how could eating things not be rewarding, right? And when seasonal ingredients for a new flavor arrive in the shop, I get all giddy like a first crush. Enter: pomegranates.

They swoop in this time of year to the Capolands and gracefully replace the void left by the summer's bounty of berries, and usually manage to stick around until winter's juicy blood oranges from Sicily arrive. They're packed full of all sorts of good flu fighting things and each of those crazy little kernels, or arils, contains the tasty juice we use to craft our sorbetto. As their season develops, so does that deep red color, and the intensity of its taste.

Is your mouth watering yet?

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