Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tramezzini - The Elegant Snack

Tramezzini are classy. Everyone knows that we have bangin' panini at Capogiro, but they sometimes overlook these little guys. Tramezzini are a popular snack in Italy, and are found at various neighborhood bars and cafes. They are small sandwiches with the crusts removed. They typically contain only a few choice ingredients, and go perfectly with an afternoon espresso or glass of wine. At 20th Street, we have three different options of tramezzini, each equally delicious. Come try one for yourself, we have a tramezzino with imported tuna and hard boiled egg, fresh mozzarella and tomato, and goat cheese with sliced cucumber and roasted red pepper (my personal favorite). Here's a fun pic of tramezzini in their natural habitat.. Nom.

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