Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting to know you...

Hey Capo customers! We love you, yes indeedy! We know that you love our gelato flavors too, and we will happily let you taste, taste away to your heart's content. As a special treat, I would also like to take the opportunity to let you get to know some of them on a deeper level. Here are a few little know facts about some of these delicious little guys. Ah hem...

Pineapple Mint
and Mojito have been in love with each other for years, but neither one of them can muster up the courage to take the first step. When they pass each other in the hallway, one always turns to look back over their shoulder to see if the other one is looking but then looks away a split second before the other one turns around to see if they were looking too. Tragic.

Pistacchio and Nocciola are badasses. They served in Vietnam together and would kill you as soon as look at you.

Peach with Southern Comfort
is a the Mississippi State Noodling Champion (in case none of you Yankees know what that is, it's when fully grown people plunge their arms deep into underwater mud holes, hoping that catfish will clamp down upon them - Yay! It's the most ridiculous sport in the world. Except for maybe curling.)

Everyone loves Chocolate Malt, but we think that his Buddy Holly glasses are so 5 minutes ago.

Cucumber Vodka
and Blackberry are completely convinced that the world will end in 2012. This being the case, they have racked up thousands of dollars in credit card debt that they think they will never have to pay off. This weekend they are flying to Vegas in a private jet so that they can eat caviar off of naked people. Good times!

Blueberries & Cream
is totally Team Edward.

Melon and Absenthe is easily distracted by shiny things. That nonsense about cutting off his ear and sending it to a girl was just a rumor though. He lost it in a bar fight.

Everybody thinks that Cioccolato Scuro is a ladies man but in all actuality he just wants to be held.

cannot fathom why no one pronounces her name right.

Kiwi and Mango used to be BFF, until Kiwi hooked up with Mango's boyfriend (who was not even that cute). Now Mango just sits at home eating bonbons and watching Law & Order marathons. Mango really needs to get back out there.

Nobody likes Ouzo. He's a mean drunk.

Dulce de Leche is not the girl who likes yellow.

is a bully. Every night he pummels his neighbor Thai Coconut Milk with a sock full of nickels. In all reality though, Thai Coconut Milk is kind of a wuss. We recommend kickboxing lessons.

Mexican Coffee is quickly climbing her way up in the Arizona State Legislature.

Sea Salt is a pirate - Yar.

1 comment:

  1. This post is awesome in so many ways.

    Which flavor is the romantic at heart but hardass on the outside? I would have thought that fit Bacio perfectly. Guess I don't know my flavors well enough!
