Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday morning wing over.....

I have been having a really hard time latey. This weather is beating me down. I am in the gelato business. It should be a happy happy place. I work with amazing people and we usually have a blast. Yet, I find myself complaining and complaining. I hate complaining. I hate being a nuisance. Today is warm. Warm comparably. My youngest told me that he had heard the birds chirping this morning and that spring must be coming.

Yesterday I stayed inside and cooked and cooked and cooked. The Super Bowl is a chance for us to eat nachos, hot wings and pork tacos in front of the TV. The kids love it. So there we were, huddled together watching football. I finally nailed my wing recipe. John is from upstate NY and he complains about my wings. Not hot enough or hot enough, but the taste is just not right. He prefers baked to fried, when homemade and uber crispy. This can dry out the wings, which it did, but my flavor was ON! It really is just a sauce of several types of hot peppers and butter. My brother lives in Buffalo and told me that there is only one way to judge wings. My brother's test - when they serve them to you in a restaurant, a metal bowl should be covering your wings. The bowl is for the bones. The wings should be piping hot. When you remove this bowl, a billow of steam that is infused with hot sauce and vinegar should shoot upward into your face. If you cough from the combination of hot sauce, vinegar steam, the wings are right. If not, don't bother. I have to say that my wing sauce produced the cough.

So, chicken wings have made me happy. That is how I am going to get through to spring. One recipe at a time. That, and this show....

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