Friday, December 10, 2010

Italy #3 Slimmest Nation in Europe

Yeah, that's right: Italy. Pasta, cheese, cured meats and GELATO galore, but still basically tied with Norway and Sweden as third least-fat nation in Europe. The Swiss are ranked #2 behind Romania (are they all gymnasts, or something?), but I think they cheated.

Topping the not so slim list are the UK, Ireland and Malta. Really? Malta? As it turns out, due to the enduring popularity of the Dashiell Hammett's book "The Maltese Falcon", the inhabitants of Malta have made a habit of snacking on creme-filled chocolate Maltese Falcons. The kicker is that THE CANDIES ARE SCALE REPLICAS OF THE MOVIE PROP! Insane.

So this blog post goes out to all you ladies and gents who are worried about their gelato consumption ruining their carefully honed phsyiques. Don't worry, people: the sveltest people of Europe gobble the stuff with impunity and suffer no ill effect.

How? Why? Because gelato is magic, duh.

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