In case you need further convincing, I have prepared a brief list of reasons for you to help me in this noble cause.
Reasons you should pay for me to go to Italy:
1. I could learn to pronounce every single one of our gelato flavors correctly. I could learn to trill my R's and elongate my vowels just so. I've been working on this while behind the case but it just looks like I'm talking to the flavors and it wierds out the customers. Just for the record, I don't talk to the gelati. (Except for you, Thai Coconut, you're my only friend).
2. I am not Julia Roberts. I just saw Eat. Pray. Love. and I would look WAY cuter sitting on a bench in the middle of a piazza eating gelato than she would. Julia Roberts looks like a horse.

5. Make friends with the police. I've always wanted to have a buddy who was a police officer. Being friends with a cop can be very handy in all kinds of predicaments. Many cops in Italy ride Vespas too, so we can hang out together looking sexy and keeping it real. In particular, it is the Italian dress uniform that really gets me. So adorable!!

Thank you all for your support.