Tandy is awesome. She found out about the cows' accents and all sorts of weird stuff. Even though I laughed out loud, then shuddered at her gimp dungeon, I love how her mind works. Funny how she wrote about cows this week. Cows are on our minds as of late. I am sure it is inevitable with the approach of spring. We are all gearing up for the onslaught of work and itching for the new stuff to come in. We are planning our schedules and Dan mentions that we have a problem. Our awesome dairy herd is having problems. What!?!?! Well, it seems that when you are as picky as we are and our standards are as high as they are, you tend to limit your options. We love this milk. We love those cows. We love that farmer. It seems that he has a lot of dry cows. Dry cows? What are those you ask. Well, they are dairy cows who are not producing milk. It's normal for him and the girls, but scary for us. He only has around 50 bovines. This is a problem. He is on it! He promised. Mark is not only a dairy farmer, but a vet. These cows are loved. Look at him and the love!
What about wild fennel??? The purple kind? Absolutely!! Ian just needs the seeds. I have got connections. I got yer back. I told him that it is great for sausage and Marc Vetri will take some. He does not know it yet. I will let him know. What about Camomille? Hmmmm? Oh, so many ideas. Ian wants to know if want lemongrass. Yes, please.
Just as Dan and I were discussing this, Ian, our farmer's son, and an outstanding farmer in his own right, just stopped by. We talked about getting old and shared some old pics. We talked about how this winter will never end and how much we are looking forward to spring. He needs the ground to thaw and I need the warmth in order to save my sanity. Just ask my husband. I know I am nuts, it is part of my charm. Ian and his lovely girl Barbie just want to get the leeks out of the ground and start the work. This led to "Steph, what do you want me to grow for you? I have some really interesting green cardamom leaves that I want you to try." Oh man, are you in trouble!! I will take those leaves and get to work! They look waxy and tough. Ian assures me that the flavor is easy to extract. Okay! It looks purdy. see?

People, spring is HERE! I know it. It has to be. Let's all join hands and will it to happen. We need the warmth, we need the grass to grow, we need the cows to begin producing, we need onion grass for the cows (the love it!), we need the happiness. WE NEED GELATO! I love the winter flavors, but I want something new. I want some wild fennel with...with...with....chocolate? Ricotta? Is that too savory? I am going to make my own Ricotta. Yup. Close your eyes, can you taste it?