We started this Monday movie night at our Passyunk location a couple weeks back, and we think it's pretty rad. So rad in fact that we plan on bringing out all our favorite classic Italian films for a Monday night on the Ave. We kicked it off with the only film that made sense to kick off such a thing, La Dolce Vita, and followed it up last week with a Godard film Une Femme est Une Femme, because we were feeling Frenchish. In the pipeline for this Monday is something a bit more fun, Federico Fellini's Amarcord. Here's a little summary pulled from IMDb:
A year in the life of a small Italian coastal town in the nineteen-thirties, as is recalled by a director with a superstar's access to the resources of the Italian film industry and a piper's command over our imaginations. Federico Fellini's film combines the free form and make-believe splendor with the comic, bittersweet feeling for character and narrative we remember from some of his best films of the 1950s. The town in the film is based on Rimini, where Mr. Fellini grew up. Yet there is now something magical, larger-than-life about the town, its citizens and many of the things that happen to them.Here's a clip of my favorite scene. Don't worry, we'll have the subtitles on this Monday for all you non-Italian speakers (myself included) so it will make sense!
So stop by on Mondays! I know you all have nothing better to do. Capoyunk is located on 1625 E Passyunk Ave. Screenings start at 7PM every Monday, AND there's free popcorn that's pretty darn tasty. Hope to see you!